Watch Live, Rent or Download the Power of Chi the Movie

The Secret Power Of Chi As demonstrated in the full length Feature Film The Power of Chi The Movie by the greatest Tai Chi Experts in the World, Famous Athletes and Narrated by Morgan Freeman!

You can Rent or Own the Power of Chi today! 




Today we offer you the opportunity to watch the power of chi now and own it! 


This is a limited streaming event for the sports, martial arts and professional community it will not last long and it will not be available in theaters, on Netflix or retail stores so watch it now and experience this internal power first hand.


It is the first time in history that a movie has scientifically and demonstrably proven that this internal power exists and to watch this is spectacular for any human to see.

This Movie is being offered directly to the public, at a special elite and affordable rate as a service to humanity so that all can be delighted by this amazing gift that lives in all of us. If you would like to learn the Power of Chi you can sign up for instant access to our Power of Chi Course here #powerofchithemovie #morganfreeman

If you have any issues downloading the film or streaming please email us at and we will troubleshoot your issue and get you watching the Power of Chi The Movie. * Please note our Customer service team is standing by but due to the huge demand is very busy but they will respond as fast as possible. #powerofchi #cupofchi #chichallenge #gochiyourself #getchied #letschi

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